Articles to be submitted must observe the following guidelines

    1. The manuscript should be sent in electronic version (Word only) to the Editorial Secretary [email protected].
    2. An anonymous version will be sent for external peer-review. In order to guarantee anonymity in the evaluation, the name(s) of the author(s) shall NOT appear in the body of the text, nor shall there be any other reference that enables identification.
    3. The title page of the manuscript should include:
      • (Co)Authors details: institutional affiliation, email address and ORCID ID (freely available at
      • Declaration of interest. If there are no interests to declare then please state this: 'Declarations of interest: none' (for more information please refer to DECLARATION OF INTEREST).
      • Any clarification regarding the article, authors, funding sources and acknowledgments.
    4. Articles should not exceed 11,000 words; research notes should not exceed 6,000 words; and book reviews should not exceed 1,300 words.
      • An article should present a research problem (preferably expressed through a question), a tentative answer (preferably in a hypothesis format), a review of established knowledge, and/or some new contribution.
      • A research note is short and make a big point shortly and succinctly. It is a conceptual or theoretically founded reflection, a review of an area of study, an extended comment on a book or a debate, a report on some election, an advance on partial results of some research. If empirical, it should present results and findings.
    5. All papers that are submitted for review must contain a 125-130 word abstract in the language of the article as well as a translation of such abstract into English. The abstract must specify briefly the objective of the manuscript, its methodology, and the findings. All submissions must also include five keywords in both languages. Works originally written in English must include a Spanish translation of the abstract.
    6. General format:

      • Typeface: Times New Roman.
      • Size: 12
      • Line spacing: 2.0.
      • Sheet size: A4..

    Articles to be submitted must observe the following guidelines (APA reference):

      • Book:

      • Durkheim, E. (1895). Las reglas del método sociológico. Buenos Aires: La Pléyede.

      • Book Chapter:

      • Pizarro, C. (2016). “Trabajadores paraguayos en la producción forestal del Delta Interior del río Paraná”. En S. Aparicio y R. Benencia (Eds.), De migrantes y asentados. Trabajo estacional en el agro argentino (pp. 115-138). Buenos Aires: Fundación CICCUS.

      • Journal Article:

      • Barringer, M.N., Sumerau, J.E., y Gay, D. (2020). Generational Variation in Young Adults’ Attitudes toward Legal Abortion: Contextualizing the Role of Religion. Social Currents 7(3): 279-296.

      • Online Newspaper Article:

      • Calvo, J. (2021). “El cambio puede ser ir separados”. Diario Perfil. Available Here.

      • In-text citations should include the name and year of publication:

      • Example:
      • Democracy and capitalism base their power on equality and profit, respectively (Quiroga, 2005).

      • “In effect, democracy and capitalism establish different systems of power, based on almost opposite values: equality and profit” (Quiroga, 2005: 157).

    In greyscales with the academic table format.

    Table 1

    Argentina. School enrolment in privately managed public schools by level of education. Years 1998-2010 (as a percentage of total school enrolement)

    Year Educational Level Total
    Initial Primary Secondary
    2002 27,7 20,4 26,9 23,8
    2003 28,1 20,6 27,0 24,0
    2004 29,3 21,1 27,6 24,6
    2005 30,3 22,0 27,9 25,4
    2006 30,7 22,2 28,0 25,6
    2007 31,0 23,0 28,2 26,0
    2008 31,8 23,9 28,2 26,7
    2009 32,4 24,4 28,2 27,0
    2010 32,2 24,9 27,8 27,1

    Source: Prepared by the authors on the basis of Statistical Yearbooks of the National Ministry of Education..

    They must be numbered consecutively. (Table 1, Table 2, Table x, etc)
    The source must be indicated
    They must be in black and white.
    They must be editable (not images).
    They must be numbered consecutively (Chart 1, Chart 2, Chart x, etc)
    Their source must be indicated.

    This journal operates under a double-blind peer review model. Manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least two anonymous external reviewers and an Associate Editor. Papers will only be sent to review if the Editor determines that the paper meets the appropriate quality and relevance requirements. The following aspects will be assessed: originality; knowledge and degree of updating of the literature; use of theory and methodology. The Director keeps the final decision on publication.

    Authors may appeal an editorial decision if they feel that the decision to reject was based on either a significant misunderstanding of a core aspect of the manuscript, a failure to understand how the manuscript advances the literature or concerns regarding the manuscript-handling process. Differences in opinion regarding the novelty or significance of the reported findings are not considered as grounds for appeal. To raise an appeal, please contact the journal by email, quoting your manuscript title and explaining your rationale for the appeal. The Director’s decision following an appeal consideration is final.

    To raise a complaint regarding editorial staff, policy or process please contact the journal in the first instance. If you believe further support outside the journal’s management is necessary, please refer to Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político (SAAP).


    The articles must be original and unpublished, and must not be in the process of evaluation in another journal. Authors are entirely responsible for their content and must avoid any practice of plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism. All submissions to Revista SAAP are screened using iThenticate (Similarity Check- Crossref).

    If plagiarism is detected, the article will be immediately rejected by the editorial team. Authors can ask the journal to send the corresponding digital report with the results obtained using the software.


    All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential competing interests include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Authors must disclose any interests in the title page after the institutional affiliation and email address (please refer to GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS). If there are no interests to declare then please state this: 'Declarations of interest: none'.


    Articles accepted for publication must present an access link to the supporting data of the research, which must be deposited in an electronic site of public access.


    Research work must comply with the usual protections for human subjects. Researchers should not generally publish or share identifiable individual data collected in the course of research without specific consent from the individual (or their representative).

    If requested by editors, authors should supply evidence that reported research received the appropriate approval and was carried out ethically (e.g., copies of approvals, licenses, participant consent forms, ethical supervision).


    It is a condition for publication that the author or authors assign the reproduction rights to the journal, as well as the right to be the first place of publication of the article.

    Articles published by Revista SAAP are distributed under a License Creative Commons 4.0 Atribución-No Comercial-CompartirIgual Internacional(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) that allows third parties to use what is published, as long as the authorship of the article and the first publication in this journal is mentioned. Authors retain copyright.

    Authors should carefully consider the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript. Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors' names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the Director of the journal.

    In case of allegations of scientific misconduct or conflict of interest, authors should send a letter to the Director of the journal explaining the case to [email protected].


    Revista SAAP adheres to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publications set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (available at PUBLICATIONETHICS.ORG These principles apply to all those involved in the publication process of the journal: editors, Editorial Board, Advisory Board, authors and reviewers.

    Some of the principles proposed by COPE to which SAAP Magazine is committed are the following, without prejudice to those not listed here:

    • Have an editorial team, an editorial board and an advisory board committed to the proper functioning of the publication.
    • Guarantee a peer review process of all the contributions that the editorial team considers pertinent to the objectives of the journal.
    • Guarantee the copyright and dissemination rights of the articles published in the magazine.
    • Ensure the ethical quality of the material published in the journal, identifying and preventing bad practices in scientific research.
    • Ensure the biannual publication of the magazine.
    • Allow free access to all the material published on the journal's website.
    • Publish corrections as well as retractions and an apologies if necessary.

    Revista SAAP is full open access. All published texts are open access and freely available online immediately after publication. The Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político (SAAP) covers all the expenses of the Magazine. Authors do not pay for Article Processing Charges (APCs).