Articles to be submitted must observe the following guidelines
Articles to be submitted must observe the following guidelines (APA reference):
Table 1
Argentina. School enrolment in privately managed public schools by level of education. Years 1998-2010 (as a percentage of total school enrolement)
Year | Educational Level | Total | ||
Initial | Primary | Secondary | ||
2002 | 27,7 | 20,4 | 26,9 | 23,8 |
2003 | 28,1 | 20,6 | 27,0 | 24,0 |
2004 | 29,3 | 21,1 | 27,6 | 24,6 |
2005 | 30,3 | 22,0 | 27,9 | 25,4 |
2006 | 30,7 | 22,2 | 28,0 | 25,6 |
2007 | 31,0 | 23,0 | 28,2 | 26,0 |
2008 | 31,8 | 23,9 | 28,2 | 26,7 |
2009 | 32,4 | 24,4 | 28,2 | 27,0 |
2010 | 32,2 | 24,9 | 27,8 | 27,1 |
Source: Prepared by the authors on the basis of Statistical Yearbooks of the National Ministry of Education..
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Authors should carefully consider the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript. Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors' names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the Director of the journal.
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